Liz Danforth won´t be there this year, but she has sent one of her pets to entertain us. As an extra challenge be prepared to hunt dragons all over the weekend and call yourself the Dragon Master in the end, earning a lot of glory and a great prize for being victorious.

The winner is awarded with a high quality canvas print of Itangast at Home.
Thanks a lot to Liz and her generosity!


  • The Dragon Hunt starts on Friday 3 pm and lasts till Sunday 2 pm.
  • Each game in a scheduled tournament partakes in the Dragon Hunt, also Arda and DC Arena.
  • At the end of the game, count the Marshalling Points of dragon and/or drake creatures/allies/factions.
  • MPs for drakes are halved (round up).
  • Add +2, if it is a manifestation of Itangast.
  • Cave Drake is considered a drake, not a dragon.
  • Enter the number of D&D points in the sheets prepared at the infoboard (Rittersaal). Add an * for each Itangast manifestation.
  • The player with the highest total is crowned as Dragon Master and wins a Canvas print of Itangast at Home.
  • In case of a tie, the player with the highest total of Dragon points wins. If still tied, the player with the highest number of * wins. Still tied? Roll dice …